Lions' Swanmore Village fete

Swanmore to Alresford and back
Sat, 09-Jul-2016
Swanmore to Alresford and back , Hampshire

Swanmore village fete is a good, old-fashioned, traditional village fete, where you can expect lots of fun and excitement!

There’ll be live music from Contraband, Soberton Strummers and Swanmore College of Technology Jazz Band, as well as contemporary dancing and a join-in Zumba session. Once again we’ll have the classic cars and bikes on display, plus, we’ve over 40 stalls, coconut shy, beat-the-goalie, games and rides and oodles of yummy things to eat and drink in the food court. The motorbikes congregate at the Rising Sun pub mid-morning before their Meon Valley rally run to Alresford and back, so check them out on your morning stroll.

Classic cars and bikes!

As part of the event we have a classic cars show and a classic bikes rally where bikers ride from Swanmore to Alresford and back. There are prizes for best bikes and cars in various categories and it's a great day-out for classic enthusiasts. There is a small entry fee of Ł10 for the bike rally, but the cars can come along for free.

If you want to show your classic car at the fete or enter your bike for the Meon Valley Run, please see the contact details below. It's still not too late to enter!

If you want to enter your classic car for the fete please contact: Lion Steve Newton - 02392 599 640
If you want to enter your classic bike for the Meon Rally Run please contact Lion Pete Meadows 01489 895300